Rævhul - Graphic Novel

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Rævhul - Graphic Novel

DKK 129.00

Rævhul er en grafisk roman af Ida Noack udgivet på forlaget Fahrenheit i 2015. Rævhul fortæller historien om at acceptere sin egen natur, drifter og konsekvenserne gennem forholdet mellem en ræv og en dreng.

Anmelderne sagde:

´Ida Felicia Noacks tegninger og sider er smukke og mættet med stemning og budskaber.´

Rævhulmodtog to nomineringer til årets debut roman, Claus Delaurant Prisen and Pingprisen.

Rævhul (Fox off), 2015 publisher Fahrenheit, is the story of a fox that lives with a boy (young man). The two of them argue like an old married couple and that all becomes too much for fox who runs off right into the ‘arms’ of true nature and consequence.

Rævhul is the Graphic Novel debut of Ida Felicia Noack, about accepting your own nature, following your urges and living with the consequences of your choices.

Critics said

‘Ida Felicia Noack drawings and pages are beautiful and saturated with message’ and ‘Rævhul is a flexible visual story’.

Rævhul was twice nominated for best debut of the year, Claus Delaurant prisen and Pingprisen.

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